We were not taught how to handle someone’s grief.
Why would you expect to navigate it without guidance?
As empathizers, very few of us know the right thing to say or do when someone else is grieving. Our intentions are kind, but our approach may be misguided. We might feel the need to fix them or cheer them up. Then out of frustration, we may stop trying or coming around.
Let's witness, acknowledge, and validate their grief. You are not alone in your experience, let's not leave grievers alone in theirs.
Move at your own pace, choose when and where.
It hurts to see someone you love in pain. You want to say the right thing. You want to do the right thing. We want to help you support them.
Developed with you, the empathizer, in mind, these courses contain easy to digest video bites. You will learn how to recognize grief and its effects, embrace its discomfort, and sit with it for the good of the griever.
This focuses on the stories and experiences that apply to the grief process. If you don't know what to say or do, these courses are for you.

COACHiNG for grief empathizers
It will be uncomfortable. And it will be ok.
They are a different person once the grief begins. No matter how empathetic we are, often, we lack the tools to support the complex emotions of grief. As empathizers, how do we deal with their anger, frustration, irritation, despair, confusion and rage?
As your coach, we give you tools to cope, witness, acknowledge, and validate the grief your loved one has. You will not be alone in this.
Meet 1-2 times per week
Three months of sessions recommended (but coaching can be extended to as long as needed)
Open for those with loved ones new to grief as well as those months or years in
A heart is not perfect but its sentiments are heartfelt.
Condolence and sympathy gifts are hard to get right. In 2015, the husband of our founder died. Many types of condolences came to Leslie's door. Cards, flowers, edible bouquets all came with good intentions but caused work to dispose of. At that dark moment, it was not what Leslie needed.
As Leslie moved through her grief, she took note of items that helped her, items that brought solace and comfort. As part of her need to support others in grief she created the Heartfelt Sympathy Box.
This gift from empathizer to grievers contains items chosen by grievers in hopes that they bring consolation and relief to the people you love, in this, their time of despair.
Grief Journal & Pen
Comfort Blanket
‘Keep Going’ Temporary Tattoos
Grief & Anxiety Essential Oils
‘Ways to Help’ Notepad
‘In Loving Memory’ Book
‘In Mourning’ Badge
‘I am present with grief’ Candle
On-The-Go Facial Tissues

Receive periodic learnings on grief specifically for empathizers.