You were not taught grief.
Why would you be expected to handle it without guidance?
Grief is not part of our school curriculum. It's a misunderstood and feared emotion. When our loved one dies, our marriage ends or we lose a job or business, our culture suggests we buck up, forget, and move on. We don't know how to handle it. Let’s witness, acknowledge, validate and share together in grief.
You are not alone in your experience, so let’s move each other forward.
Move at your own pace, choose when and where.
If you are feeling emotions (big or small) from the reality of death or the end of something meaningful, these courses teach what grief is and what it is not.
You will find easy to digest video bites that prompt further thoughts or journaling on:
How to recognize grief in yourself and others
The effects of grief on the body and mind
How to 'be with it'
How to support grievers and avoid common missteps
This is not advice. This is a focus on the stories and experiences that apply to your life and help you move day or night - whenever you are ready.
You can start a course today at our Heartfelt website.

“You understand and respect my individual experience. You are authentic and genuine. I feel your caring and support. You check in on me. I feel understood and not judged. You validate my experience and feelings. You help me feel less alone.”

That place you are in grief? We'll meet you there.
Our community of friends, families, and coworkers often don’t understand or relate to our grief after it begins. Though sympathetic, they cannot support the complexity of our emotions; the anger, frustration, irritation, despair, confusion, rage, relief, and even moments of joy.
As your coach, we build a safe and supportive space. We are honored to witness, acknowledge, validate and share in your grief. You are not alone in this experience.
Grief often obliterates our lives. Our belief system and planned future altered. And what once mattered is changed. We will sift through the noise together and find your single first step. These are micro-movements that become leaps over time.
A new normal will begin when you are ready and willing to start.
Meet 1-2 times per week
Three months of sessions recommended (coaching can be extended as long as needed)
Open for those new to grief as well as those months or years in
I did not have this during my darkest, saddest days, but you can.
In 2015, my husband died. Cancer. Steve was 46. His death brought my world to a screeching halt. I have learned that grief is the price of loving someone fiercely. It’s a normal and unavoidable part of life. That doesn’t make it any easier. I chose these items in the hope that they can bring solace and comfort to the people you love, in this, their time of despair.
Grief Journal & Pen
Comfort Blanket
‘Keep Going’ Temporary Tattoo
Anxiety Relief Essential Oils
‘Ways to Help’ Notepad
‘In Loving Memory’ Book
‘In Mourning’ Badge
‘I am present with grief’ Candle
Facial Tissues
Grief Support Community Invitation